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SEA SALT, SMOKED FINE - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

Smoked Fine Sea Salt
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32 Oz. Jar $14.57

SEA SALT, SMOKED FINE - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free



Temporarily Unavailable...   Smoked Sea Salt can be used to enhance the flavor of vegetables, meat, and fish dishes. Add some to your own favorite spice rub for a rich smoky flavor. Chieftain's Smoked Sea Salt is smooth tasting and is flavored with 100% natural smoke flavoring. This Smoked Sea Salt may be used to rim the glass of Bloody Marys or can be added to egg dishes, chili, stew, and sauce to bring out that smoky rich flavor! Use as a meat rub, apply to the meat product, wrap in plastic and refrigerate to allow the flavor to absorb into the meat. Remove plastic and bake or grill. Sprinkle on vegetables, deviled eggs, or sliced tomatoes or simply use as a garnish for fish dishes. This salt is white and is colored by the natural smoke flavoring to a dark grayish-black color.

Ingredient Statement:

Sea Salt, Natural Smoke Essence.


Use as a finishing salt, or add it to rubs or seasoning blends. This salt is great on grilled meat and vegetables, or in Bloody Marys. Create your own meat/fish/seafood rub with this versatile ingredient. Add smoked sea salt to any dish, such as steaks, salads, salsas, soups, etc. This smokey salt will bring a very distinctive flavor to any dish.

Recommended Preparation Instructions:

No preparation is necessary.